Dutch Pancakes: So easy & so delicious!


Have you ever tried Dutch Pancakes? They're especially amazing when made with our soy-free, pasture-raised chicken eggs and/or duck eggs.

Dutch pancakes are so much easier than regular pancakes, but absolutely delicious, and more filling (higher protein + quality fat). Pick up some of our eggs today and try the recipe!

Leafy Greens

This week's naturally-raised produce includes leafy greens. Use our 1-minute order form so we know what to save for you — no credit card required!

We’ve moved 4 doors down

In case you missed the news, we've moved 4 doors down! We're in the same Tiger Lily / Fireflies shopping center, just in the very first building when you pull in. (1505 S Calumet Rd, Suite #8) You'll see a huge vegetable mural — that's our shop! 🥕🥬

Sarah HighlenComment