Acorn Acres Farm (Chesterton, IN)

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Salad Order & Perfect Pork Chops

Order Salad

We're harvesting fresh lettuce for those who order a day (or more) ahead!

Perfect Pork Chops

If cooking pork chops has been a challenge for you in the past, pick up a package of chops this week and try our easy recipe! Brining in advance (and not overcooking) makes for tender, juicy pork chops.

Pork chops are a delicious protein source: 30 grams of protein per 4 ounces of cooked meat, at 200 calories (USDA). 

Our pigs are raised in wooded pasture with no antibiotics. They enjoy seasonal acorns, walnuts, and mulberries, along with organic feed — including oats from our farm. We believe raising pork as nature intended has plenty of benefits:

✔️delicious meat 

✔️better nutrient profile

✔️environmental sustainability