Open an extra day! Lettuce mix, pastured sausage, & more...
Perfect weeknight meals
We've got beautiful gourmet salad mix this week, plus 11 different varieties of pasture-raised sausage — perfect for delicious, nutrient-dense weeknight meals. As always, all free of synthetic nitrates, pesticides, and herbicides.
Plus, we'll be open an extra day again this week: Wednesday 12-6, then our usual... Thu 10 am - 5 pm ・ Fri 10 am - 5 pm ・ Sat 10 am - 4 pm
This week’s produce
We've got a nice selection of naturally raised veggies from our farm as well as Fairstream Farms and the Bontrager Family. The current harvest includes:
Gourmet Salad Mixes
Multiple Squash Varieties
(including butternut, pumpkin pie pumpkins, delicata, spaghetti, and more)Sweet potatoes
Frozen Blueberries
… and a couple more surprises! As always, all of the veggies we offer are grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Sign up for our email to get the weekly list delivered to your inbox.